Testicular Surgery Hospital In Hyderabad

Testicular Surgery Hospital In Hyderabad
We at Sri Sai Lorven Clinic offer you one of the best Testicular Surgery Hospital In Hyderabad. We deliver you the best treatment for your testicular problems with minimal expense and 100% assured results without fail.
Many patients suffering from Testicular problems admitted to Sri Sai Lorven had experienced fast recovery. They can now lead an everyday life as before the dreaded testicular pain.
Best Surgeons For Testicular Surgery In Hyderabad
Dr. V. Ramprasad is one of the best surgeons for Testicular Surgery in Hyderabad, with 10+ years of experience. Dr. Ramprasad is specialized in performing safe and successful Testicular Surgery for more than 10 years and has extensive experience in performing successful surgeries for the patients without any complications
Testicle Removal Surgery cost in Hyderabad
The cost of Testicular Removal Surgery in Hyderabad ranges from 50,000 INR to 70,000 INR. We are one of the best clinics for testicular Surgery in Hyderabad, which provides all the services and treatment required for Surgery at an affordable price. Our Laparoscopic Testicular Surgeon specializes in this field. He has more than 10 years of extensive experience performing successful surgeries for patients without any complications and has high success rates.
Things to Know before Testicular Surgery
A testicle is a male reproductive gland located on each side of the scrotum below the penis. It is composed of three major structures: The tunica albuginea, which surrounds the tubular body of the testicle; The seminiferous tubules, through which sperm develops and is released; The epididymis, which contains the storage compartment for sperm. Testicular cancer (also called testicular germ cell tumor) is a cancer of the male reproductive system, affecting both testicles.
What is Orchiectomy?
Orchiectomy is a type of surgery which involves removal of one or both testicles from the body. It is generally recommended if both testicles are affected by cancer or one testicle is affected by cancer and there is a high risk of the other testicle also being affected.
What are the types of Orchiectomy?
There are several types of orchiectomy depending on how the testicles are removed from the body.
These include:
Simple orchiectomy: This is the most common type of orchiectomy and involves removal of the testicles through an incision in the scrotum.
Radical inguinal orchiectomy : This is the second most common type of orchiectomy and involves removal of one or both testicles through a small cut in the abdominal area instead of scrotum.
Subcapsular orchiectomy : This type of orchiectomy involves removal of the tissues around the both testicles.
Bilateral orchiectomy : This type of orchiectomy involves removal of both testicles.
Who are the ideal candidates for Testicular Surgery?
The best candidates for testicular surgery are those at risk of getting affected by cancer or if one testicle is affected by cancer and there is a high risk of the other testicle also being affected.
The candidate must be in good health during the surgery.
What are the Complications of Testicular Surgery?
The Complications of Testicular Surgery include:
- Bleeding from inclusions.
- Redness around the inclusions.
- Loss of feeling around the scrotum.
- Loss of fertility.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Inability to urinate.
- Blood clots.
- Damage to thyroid glands, liver. Or kidneys.
Why testicular Testicular Surgery Is Important
Testicular surgery is essential to prevent damage to testicles from infection or injury. The procedure in which a part of the testicle or both testicles are removed. However, these are some of the primary reasons Testicular surgery needs to be done:
- Reduce the risk of cancer in testicles
- Protect future fertility.
- Remove a mass or other growth that may impair blood supply to the testicle.
- To make the testicles less painful Testicular surgery is very painful as it requires the removal of all the testicles, along with the epididymis and spermatic cord .
Procedure for Laparoscopic Testicular Surgery
The procedure of Laparoscopic Orchiectomy surgery includes the following:
Remove the affected testicle or both testicles from the scrotum using laparoscopic instruments. The process is carried out under general anesthesia.
The incision is made on the side or the bottom of the scrotum. Later by using a laparoscope and a hand-held scissor, the surgeon removes the testicle and the attached tubes (spermatic cords).
After the surgeon completes the procedure, stitches are placed at the opening of the scrotum to close it. The surgeon then carefully checks the abdominal cavity, including the liver and the intestines, to ensure no cancerous cells were left behind.
What are Post Testicle Surgery Instructions?
- Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions and take care of your wounds and medications.
- Avoid lifting heavy things.
- Slowly increase the activity.
Frequently asked questions
If the patient doesn’t have any complications, After the surgery, the patient can usually go home the same day.
The most important way to prevent Eating more fruits and vegetables, more fibrous foods and less red meat, processed meats and foods with a lot of sugar. A Having a regular medical checkup every 6 months is also very important.
It is advised to be on a light or liquid diet on the first day, and can resume a normal diet from the next day. Make sure to take a lot of fluids.